Fast forward to 2020 when I came across a game called Wings of Thunder at MobyGames. It was also created with FST, and using Hallfiry's magazine coverdisk catalogue I was able to find a copy, and from here, I decided to seriously dig the topic using the Wayback Machine -- as any other traces of the games have almost completely vanished. And just about the same time a different user posted a topic at VOGONS asking about FST games. Talk about serendipity!
The big site about FST was this one:
Unfortunately, Wayback Machine has only piecemeal preservation of the site's contents (which also mirrored several FTPs), exacerbated by the 1,024 KiB limit for files stored from 2000-2001 or so. There are numerous partially preserved, broken ZIP files.
So here are the games that have been found so far.
a. Complete games by Ron Walker/Ground Zero Simulations (all free, all Wayback Machine links work):
- Skyhawk Attack
- Tornado Squadron
- Harrier Strike
- Jaguar GR1: Strike Force Delta Zulu
- Eurofigher 2010
- Aces of World War One:
- Battle of Britain: (this is a repack, not the original ZIP)
- Battle of the Midway - not found, file name MIDWAY.ZIP
- Berlin 1955:
- Cyborg Invasion - not found, file name CYBORG.ZIP
- Eurofighter 2005:
- F-16 Operation Black Diamond:
- F-86 MiG Mayhem Pacific Ocean - not found, file name MAHEM.ZIP
- Falklands Air War 1982 - not found, file name unknown
- Korean Air War - not found, file name KOREA.ZIP
- Private Pilot:
- Reno Racing 2000 - not found, file name RENO.ZIP
- Vietnam Flight Simulator:
- SHADO: UFO Attack Sky Base BETA 1 (earlier version)
- Wings over Italy shareware 1.1
- Starfleet Museum
- Spaceship Troopers Demo
- Spanish Civil War 2.31 (earlier version found thanks to cyclone3d)
- Wings over Los Andes
- Barrels in Congo Demo:
- JAS 39 GRIPEN 0.95:
- JAS 39 GRIPEN 0.96: (complete archive found thanks to cyclone3d)
- JAS 39 GRIPEN 0.96 upgrade to 0.96a:
- Operation Coruscant Sweep Demo
- Blade Runner Technology Demo Version 1 (another version found here)
- shareware v2.1 (1994/12/16): GAB_V21.ZIP [archive incomplete, missing files may be supplied from v2.5]
- shareware/demo v2.5 (?) (1995/02/04): GAB_V25.ZIP
- demo v1.3 (1995/03/54): attached here
- demo v1.5a (1995/06/03): gab-d15a.arj [damaged ARJ archive]
- demo v3.0 (199?/??/??): gab-v30.arj (655 KiB) [not found; mentioned here]
- Veritech: Variable Fighter Simulator (public domain): VERITECH.ZIP
- Joerg's Fligh Sim 1.0
- Wings of Thunder:
- Flight Simulation 99 by Martin Mager - this was on a magazine coverdisk in Hallfiry's collection
- Hammerheads v2.0: (repacked file)
- Project Kursk by Charles Dunne
- F-117A Stealth Fighter: Night Flight to Baghdad by Forest Pearson (GUI part missing, but the sim itself is playable)
- ICARE, le simulateur de vol by Daniel Plassart
- ISF- Battle of France and Battle over Germany by Florian Dietrich (Battle of France main link broken)
- Cruz and Gryoplane 2000 by Ferg Monaghan (links not working now)
- Mosquito Fire and 1940 by Cj
- War Jet by David Woods: warjet.arc
A few more sims are available from Mic Healey's archives.
A certain Adrian Brown maintained pages that listed several dozens FST projects. Here's an archived version of his catalogue in mostly intact condition:
The download links all point to Kuju's FTP, which apparently hosted user-created FST games.